
Continuing radio amateur net responds to earthquake

Fol­low­ing the earth­quake in Mex­i­co on Tues­day the IARU mem­ber soci­ety, Fed­era­cion Mex­i­cana de Radio Exper­i­men­ta­dores, has extend­ed its operation.

The IARU Region 2 reports that its oper­at­ing fre­quen­cies are 80m (3.690), on 40m (7.060) and on 20m (14.120) are being used. Most traf­fic refers to the loca­tion of peo­ple and their well-being.

Two mobile emer­gency sta­tions are acti­vat­ed, one in Del­e­ga­cion Xochim­il­co with local author­i­ties, and the oth­er in the Enrique Reb­samen Ele­men­tary School. Both loca­tions have been extreme­ly damaged.

To add to the HF, VHF, UHF com­mu­ni­ca­tions, now also being effec­tive­ly deployed is the WINKLINK system.

The most recent infor­ma­tion is that more than 250 peo­ple die and also thou­sands of vic­tims. There are 30 col­lapsed buildings.

– Jim Lin­ton VK3PC, Chair­man IARU Region 3 Dis­as­ter Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Committee

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