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Regional Conferences

The ulti­mate author­i­ty in each of the three IARU region­al orga­ni­za­tions is the Gen­er­al Con­fer­ence or Gen­er­al Assem­bly. Region­al con­fer­ences are held on a three-year, rotat­ing sched­ule so there is one held every year. Their role is to decide region­al pol­i­cy, to set the region­al work agen­da and bud­get, and to elect an exec­u­tive com­mit­tee to man­age the affairs of the region for the fol­low­ing three years.

Each mem­ber-soci­ety that has met its finan­cial oblig­a­tion to the region has the right to attend and to vote at the region­al con­fer­ence, or to assign its proxy to anoth­er mem­ber-soci­ety if it is unable to attend.

Upcom­ing conferences:

  • 2020: Region 1, Novi Sad, Ser­bia, 10 – 16 October
  • 2021: Region 3, Thailand
  • 2022: Region 2, Argentina

Recent con­fer­ences:

  • Octo­ber 2019: Region 2, Lima, Peru
  • Sep­tem­ber 2018: Region 3, Seoul, Repub­lic of Korea
  • Sep­tem­ber 2017: Region 1, Land­shut, Germany
Print This Page Updated on January 28, 2020

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