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IARU HF World Championship

To sup­port ama­teur self-train­ing in radio­com­mu­ni­ca­tions includ­ing improv­ing ama­teur oper­at­ing skills, con­duct­ing tech­ni­cal inves­ti­ga­tions, and inter­com­mu­ni­cat­ing with oth­er ama­teurs around the world, espe­cial­ly IARU mem­ber soci­ety head­quar­ters sta­tions, using the 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10- meter bands.

The sec­ond full week­end of July, begin­ning 1200 UTC Sat­ur­day and end­ing 1200 UTC Sun­day. Both Sin­gle and Mul­ti oper­a­tor sta­tions may oper­ate the entire 24-hour period.

Log Sub­mis­sion Dead­line
Entries must be sub­mit­ted no lat­er than sev­en (7) days after the end of the con­test. Elec­tron­ic Cabril­lo log sub­mis­sions should be made via web app to Entries in Cabril­lo for­mat sent as attach­ments to email must be sent to Paper log sub­mis­sions must be post­marked by the deadline.

By sub­mit­ting a log to the IARU HF World Cham­pi­onships, the entrant agrees the log may be open to the public.


  • A cer­tifi­cate will be award­ed to the high scor­ing entry in each cat­e­go­ry in each ITU zone, each DXCC coun­try and each ARRL Section.
  • A cer­tifi­cate of par­tic­i­pa­tion will be award­ed to each IARU mem­ber soci­ety HQ sta­tion and to each Admin­is­tra­tive Coun­cil and Region­al Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee station.
  • Achieve­ment lev­el awards will be issued to those mak­ing at least 250 QSOs or hav­ing a mul­ti­pli­er total of 75 or more.
  • Cer­tifi­cates are only avail­able online at

For more infor­ma­tion, vis­it the ARRL IARU HF World Cham­pi­onship page.

Con­tact or +1 860 594‑0232

Print This Page Updated on February 1, 2020

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