Home (R3)On the AirSpectrum AbuseDX Code of Conduct

DX Code of Conduct

  1. I will lis­ten, and lis­ten, and then lis­ten again before calling.
  2. I will only call, if I can copy the DX sta­tion properly.
  3. I will not trust the DX clus­ter and will be sure of the DX station’s call sign before calling.
  4. I will not inter­fere with the DX sta­tion nor any­one call­ing and will nev­er tune up on the DX fre­quen­cy or in the QSX slot.
  5. I will wait for the DX sta­tion to end a con­tact before I call.
  6. I will always send my full call sign.
  7. I will call and then lis­ten for a rea­son­able inter­val. I will not call continuously.
  8. I will not trans­mit when the DX oper­a­tor calls anoth­er call sign, not mine.
  9. I will not trans­mit when the DX oper­a­tor queries a call sign not like mine.
  10. I will not trans­mit when the DX sta­tion requests geo­graph­ic areas oth­er than mine.
  11. When the DX oper­a­tor calls me, I will not repeat my call sign unless I think he has copied it incorrectly.
  12. I will be thank­ful if and when I do make a contact.
  13. I will respect my fel­low hams and con­duct myself so as to earn their respect.
Print This Page Updated on January 29, 2020

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