
Atlantic Hurricane Season Starts

The tra­di­tion­al time for adverse weath­er sys­tems is the Atlantic Hur­ri­cane Sea­son that begins on June 1 and runs through to the end of November. 

The IARU Region 2 Emer­gency Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Coor­di­na­tors are ready with an aver­age of six hur­ri­canes and three of these being in the major cat­e­go­ry unleash­ing fury on infrastructure. 

Some indica­tive fre­quen­cies that may be used are: 

Caribbean Emer­gency & Weath­er Nets: 7.162 & 3.815 MHz 

East­ern Caribbean Nar­row Band Emer­gency Sys­tem Net: 7.036 MHz USB (Olivia & MT63

Caribbean Emer­gency: 14.185 MHz 

Repub­li­ca Domini­cana: 7.065 & 3.780 MHz 

Cuba: 7.045, 7.080, 7.110, and 3.740 MHz 

Cen­tral Amer­i­ca: 7.090 & 3.750 MHz 

Nicaragua: 7.098 MHz 

Guatemala: 7.075 MHz 

Pana­ma: 7.085 MHz 

Mex­i­co: 7.060 & 3.690 MHz 


Mar­itime Mobile Ser­vice Net: 14.300 MHz 

Hur­ri­cane Watch Net: 14.325 MHz 

Sal­va­tion Army Team Emer­gency Radio Net­work SATERN): 14.265 MHz 

Oth­er local emer­gency com­mu­ni­ca­tions groups may also acti­vate if a hur­ri­cane approach­es their area and those fre­quen­cies would be announced at the time.

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