
Cancellation of Tokyo Ham Fair 2021

Dear Fel­low Radio Amateurs,

We at JARL are sor­ry to announce the can­cel­la­tion of Tokyo Ham Fair 2021 sched­uled on 2, 3 October. 

We were hope­ful to have Ham Fair 2021 with pos­si­ble pre­ven­ta­tive mea­sures against COVID-19, but anoth­er wave of infec­tion came in this Sum­mer.  Con­sid­er­ing the worse than expect­ed COVID sit­u­a­tion, JARL reluc­tant­ly decid­ed to can­cel Ham Fair 2021.

We hope that Tokyo Ham Fair can come back in Year 2022 under safer con­di­tions. Until then, we wish you all to stay safe and healthy.

73 de JARL International

Ken Yamamo­to JA1CJP

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